Singing Guide: Christine Lavin

Singing Guide: Christine Lavin

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you're looking to learn how to sing like Christine Lavin, there are a few things you should know about her singing style. Lavin is known for her conversational style of singing and her use of humor in her performances. She often uses spoken word interludes in her songs and has a unique way of phrasing her lyrics.

To learn how to sing like Lavin, start by listening to her music and picking out some of her signature songs. "The Kind of Love You Never Recover From" is a great example of her conversational style and use of humor.

In terms of vocal technique, Lavin has a relaxed and natural singing style. She doesn't put too much emphasis on belting or hitting high notes and instead focuses on delivering the lyrics in a way that feels authentic and genuine.

To improve your singing in the style of Christine Lavin, you can use Singing Carrots' pitch accuracy test and pitch training exercises to work on your vocal control and accuracy. You can also use the vocal range test to determine your own vocal range and find songs that fit within that range.

In addition, Singing Carrots' singing course covers a variety of topics related to vocal technique, including breathing, resonance, and more. The lessons are designed for beginners and provide a solid foundation for building your vocal skills.

Overall, if you want to learn how to sing like Christine Lavin, focus on developing a relaxed and conversational style, listening to her music for inspiration, and utilizing Singing Carrots' resources to improve your vocal technique and accuracy.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.